Need has not been established.
Application has undergone a substantial revision and while the size of the application area has not increased - numbers associated with proposed uses have doubled.
Located within the West Wellfield Interim Protection Area and the North Trail Wetlands Basin. DERM Memo dated July, 20 2023 states that the revised version of the application includes uses not compliant with the restrictions of section 24-43 of the MDC Code.
area is currently included in the BBSEER R3 (final round) modelling alternatives as a part of the BBSEER water preserve area. Additionally, the development is also located just N of and adjacent to the C-4 canal. The C-4 canal is currently utilized for conveyance in both R3 modelling alternatives.
Located within the core foraging area of the federally Threatened wood stork as well as USFWS consultation area for the federally Endangered Florida bonneted bat.
Applicant is intending to dedicate EEL land to the County. Original and revised covenants, however, leave the amount blank.
More sprawl, more traffic, less Everglades - the 836 extension is a lose-lose for residents.
Proposed "Special District" paves over farmland and pushes sprawl into the Everglades.
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